"Frank the Poet."
Mr . T. Callinan writes us: ("Quirindi "Advocate'') from 'Ayondhu;’ Murrurundi, on 10th inst.:
"I must say that I am delighted in reading your old-time articles, as they recall pleasant memories of my boyhood days.
I met "Frank the Poet" 47 years ago. His real name was Frank McNamara. He told ''me he
had put in a lot of his time at the settlement at Segenhoe, near Scone, where I met Frank and an old Segenhoe friend of his by the name of Mick Furlong. Mick was well-known by the Campbell family of the Upper Hunter. I put in a few nights with Frank and Mick, and I will never forget the tale they told of the convict day's.
I am enclosing a few lines by Frank when he was up before Denny Day, the P.M. for having imbibed over-well of the "craythur." Day had given him 14 days for his heinous offence, and Frank said to him:—
You know it's the way with the Irishman
To drink the craythur whenever he can;
And, now, your Worship, if you plaze,
Make it hours instead of Days;
For I'm sure it's well you know it
That they call me Frank the Poet.
And let it be said to Mr. Day's everlasting credit—he straightway reduced the sentence to 14 hours."
Mr . T. Callinan writes us: ("Quirindi "Advocate'') from 'Ayondhu;’ Murrurundi, on 10th inst.:
"I must say that I am delighted in reading your old-time articles, as they recall pleasant memories of my boyhood days.
I met "Frank the Poet" 47 years ago. His real name was Frank McNamara. He told ''me he
had put in a lot of his time at the settlement at Segenhoe, near Scone, where I met Frank and an old Segenhoe friend of his by the name of Mick Furlong. Mick was well-known by the Campbell family of the Upper Hunter. I put in a few nights with Frank and Mick, and I will never forget the tale they told of the convict day's.
I am enclosing a few lines by Frank when he was up before Denny Day, the P.M. for having imbibed over-well of the "craythur." Day had given him 14 days for his heinous offence, and Frank said to him:—
You know it's the way with the Irishman
To drink the craythur whenever he can;
And, now, your Worship, if you plaze,
Make it hours instead of Days;
For I'm sure it's well you know it
That they call me Frank the Poet.
And let it be said to Mr. Day's everlasting credit—he straightway reduced the sentence to 14 hours."